Friday, 30 August 2013

the week in pictures #1

If I'm being brutally honest, I don't live the most exciting of lives, and I feel my Instagram is probably testament to that. But I still thought it might be nice to have a series of posts rounding up the week, complete with an Instagram collage. Here's the first. There should be a new one up every Friday, something I feel Rebecca Black would approve of, even if nobody else does.

1. glasses, 2. my idea of packing, 3. priorities, 4. the wall of corn, 5. 'royal mail', 
6. hooray for george, 7. motivational book cover, 8. bruschetta, 9. remember.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

midweek motivation #1

Imagine my upset and annoyance after thinking I'd created the concept of 'Motivational Mondays', only to discover that it's actually something that Louise has been doing since the beginning of forever. Fail. But at least I didn't go on Dragon's Den claiming I'd invented the light bulb or the wheel - things can always be worse. And it's that sentiment that I'm planning to reinforce every week in this 'midweek motivation' series. (Yes, it's the same as 'Motivational Mondays' but it's going to be posted on Wednesdays. Hopefully Louise won't sue me..)

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

a tale about the ‘holy grail'.

It seems only fitting that my foray back into the blogging sphere should be induced by something really quite special. That something in this case, is a nail polish. Pause for reaction. Honestly, up until a couple of years ago I was never all that bothered about nail polish. In first year of university I would basically rotate from red, to coral, and back to red again. A glitter top coat at christmas was about as exciting as it got (and even this was layered over that trademark tomato shade...) But then I saw the light. This epiphany was most probably encouraged by my friends Alice and Gemma - they too have a penchant for all things nail related. It's clear we were meant to be. After 3 years of friendship, I now hold them both personally responsible for the sizable dip my bank balance takes every time I aimlessly wander past a Barry M stand. But we're moving slightly off topic here..

Monday, 26 August 2013

guess who's back, back again?

yes, that's right, i've returned to the world of blogging. with a distinct lack of novels to analyse i'm currently at a bit of a loss as to what to do with my life. hello existential crisis. and what's the best thing to fill the void of nothingness that extends before me (otherwise known as 'real life'), and to edge away from the cusp of the almost inevitable breakdown? shopping. obviously. this blog is where i'm going to talk about the things i've bought/want to buy/would happily rob a bank in order to obtain, and where i'll chart the scale of my buyer's remorse. come join me. you know you want to.

p.s. don't you just love the 90's 'paint' job of my name? so many memories of primary school and windows 98 came flooding back to me whilst making it. to be honest, it wasn't entirely pleasant..