Wednesday, 28 August 2013

midweek motivation #1

Imagine my upset and annoyance after thinking I'd created the concept of 'Motivational Mondays', only to discover that it's actually something that Louise has been doing since the beginning of forever. Fail. But at least I didn't go on Dragon's Den claiming I'd invented the light bulb or the wheel - things can always be worse. And it's that sentiment that I'm planning to reinforce every week in this 'midweek motivation' series. (Yes, it's the same as 'Motivational Mondays' but it's going to be posted on Wednesdays. Hopefully Louise won't sue me..)

It's hard to be positive all the time, particularly when you hit Wednesday and the weekend seems so close, and yet so far simultaneously. I know how hard it is to be constantly positive, trust me. But it turns out that positivity feels so much better - who knew, right? I used to be the most negative person ever: I was essentially obsessed by all things doom and gloom. I was the first to shoot someone down with cold hard facts whenever they said something that contained the slightest hint of hope. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if black clouds had followed me persistently, waiting for the cue to rain on anyone and everyone's parade. (Why anyone ever agreed to be my friend in Secondary School is honestly beyond me).

But, as is often the case in life, something happened that forced me to gain some much needed perspective. I got ill. And it was during my recovery that I began to hoard positive quotes and all manner of posters with motivational straplines ('Keep Calm and Carry On' indeed). I still cling to those quotes now, in fact I even have a 'note' stored on my phone entitled: 'to remember', so that I can literally take the positivity and reassurance around with me wherever I go. (Maybe one 'midweek motivation', I'll share it with you.)

In some odd way, I see now that being terribly unwell actually had a positive impact on me (a sentence I never thought I'd say), because it made me a more understanding, kind, and positive person. A person with a much healthier outlook on life and a renewed knowledge of the things that are truly important. But recovery wasn't easy - nothing worthwhile ever is - and that's really the subject of today's midweek motivation picture.

It's always so much easier to stay in your comfort zone, where you're happiest, and ignore any opportunities that might force you out of it. But the truth is, whilst that might mean you're safe, it also means you run the risk of your life being boring. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying any of this lightly. I do understand just how difficult some people find the simplest of tasks. I used to be one of them. To an extent I still am. And trust me, the easiest thing for me to do a year or so ago would have been to put my hands up and say: "You know what? Going back to University is just too hard for me, I can't do it, I'll just have to leave." No-one would have blamed me for it. People would have understood. But I guess I'm a bit of a fighter - that or a masochist* - and living proof that if you want something badly enough, you don't let anything stand in your way.

So, in short, give things a chance and step outside of your comfort zone a little bit. It's a risk, I grant you, but you might be amazed by what you find out there. And isn't that really what life's all about?          

P.S. If you happen to have any favourite motivational quotes, please send them to me. I'm always in search of new ones and maybe I'll feature them on a future 'mm'...

*To clarify, not in the sexual sense. 'Fifty Shades of Grey' was nothing more than purely hilarious to me, both for it's lack of any semblance of a plot and it's highly questionable grammar.


  1. Oh, shoot! I didn't know you started an awesome new blog. I like this concept, and the things your saying on being (and staying) positive. Uni starts again in less than a week for me, so I'd thought why not start already... But I guess one needs a bit of change to actually change your attitude. I'll keep being a depressive little monster until Monday, then I'll be positive and disciplined and hard working! (or let's just try)

    By the way, your writing is neat. I'm definitely following you. :)

    1. Thank you Louise, you're so sweet! It's definitely tricky to stay positive all of the time, but it's worth a shot. I hope that uni's going well for you! xxxx

  2. I like that picture - very true!


  3. Love this post, Jessica! I hoard quotes on my pinterest board! (


    1. Thank you Caroline! Your 'words' board is PERFECT. I might have to get pinterest myself... xxxx

  4. i'm a quote hoarder too! my moleskine is a goldmine for motivation at the moment, loving the blog btw!!

    1. Thanks Lizzie! Moleskines are the absolute best for storing quotes. Your blog is forever perfect - I want all of your clothes! xxxx
