Given that I've once again failed in organisational skills and not taken proper heed of my work rota - one day I will get my shit together, I swear - this week's midweek motivation is going to be particularly short and sweet.
I've decided to leave you with an image of one of my favourite quotes of all time. When I first discovered it, it really struck a chord with me. I consider it very important, but perhaps even more so once you know it's attributed to Christopher Columbus - someone who did some serious achieving in his life. Hats off to him.
Essentially, you're never going to be able to achieve anything, until you're willing to take a chance, and just give something a go. You have to be prepared to run the risk of failure and step outside of your comfort zone at the same time. No easy feat. But it's something that you need to be able to do, in order to go out and do some really amazing things. Staying on the metaphorical shore is all well and good, but you're ultimately going to be terribly limited in what you'll discover there.
So, be brave, take a deep breath, and go ahead and cross the ocean. Because similarly to Columbus, you never know what you might find along the way...
This post is fab Jess and so true.x