Wednesday, 9 October 2013

midweek motivation #7

I know, I know, I've been the worst blogger in the world over the past few days. I don't really even have an excuse, except that I've just not been really 'feeling it'. So today's midweek motivation picture is actually directed towards myself more than it is towards anyone else.

I think it's actually really difficult to graduate from university and then move back home again. Perhaps a lot more difficult than I first thought it would be. I think a lot of this is down to the fact that I live in the back end of nowhere, where very little happens. It's hard to go from living in a city, surrounded by things to do and living with your friends, to go back to exactly where you were before you left. It's difficult at times to not feel like you've taken a step back in some ways. Particularly when your parents feel the need to treat you like you're 8 years old and like to tell you how best to cross a road. (Mother, I'm looking at you).

But I also think it's important to note that even if you're not exactly ecstatic about your current situation, whatever that might be, it's not going to be for forever. Not if you don't want it to be. You have the power to make decisions and change your life to how you'd like it to be - that's something that's really important to remember. I also think it's important to stay positive - whilst a dose of realism is often a good thing, I'm not about to sit and wallow about the fact that I currently don't have the money to move to a place where there's exciting things to do: one day I will. These things just take time.

So, to anyone else who's currently feeling a little bit like they're stuck in a rut, or somewhere that's not really where they'd most like to be - it's only temporary. If you want it to be. Try and bear in mind all the things that you're working towards and excited for, that's something that gets me through the more dire days in Derbyshire. Thank goodness for all the great things to come.


1 comment:

  1. Third paragraph, exactly what I need to hear right now xx
