Wednesday, 4 September 2013

midweek motivation #2

I've recently come to the realisation that the world isn't always a very nice place. What took me so long, right? As I explained in last week's 'midweek motivation' post, I've recently become a much more positive person, and alongside this I'm now something of an optimist. I try to see the best in everybody, but that's not always an easy thing to do, particularly when you see people around you doing/saying things that can't be perceived as anything other than downright mean.

What actually led me to this realisation was a certain twitter altercation. I'm going to describe it only as 'photo-gate'* - because it's not really necessary to dredge it all up again - but essentially it involved a photograph and an unnecessarily unkind caption which caused a bit of a storm until it was, thankfully, taken down. It probably goes without saying that I didn't like the caption of the photograph, mostly because I've never understood people who like to judge and belittle others who've done nothing to warrant such attention. I find it all a bit pathetic really. Whatever happened to the philosophy imparted to all us 90's children back in the day by the VHS release of Bambi: 'If you can't say anything nice, don't say nothing at all.'

Of course, the reason some people might choose to be so cruel towards others, could have something to do with the fact that they're not having a great time of it themselves. I often wonder if people who take it upon themselves to judge others, do so because they have extremely low self-worth, and thus feel the need to bring other people down to make them feel better about themselves. Of course this doesn't excuse their behaviour, nothing does, but perhaps we ought to view them with pity more than anything else. Maybe in time they'll see the error of their ways. (Ever the optimist.)      

So in line with that classic Bambi sentiment, is today's choice of motivational picture. This is actually an all time favourite quote of mine, particularly because I know how much small acts of kindness meant to me when I was unwell. More often than not, life is really tough, and everyone goes through periods of personal hardship, but that doesn't mean that it's alright to be unkind to others. You have to remember that there's a very good chance that they're going through a similarly rough time too. So, basically, I know it's not easy, but try to always be kind, because you have no idea what someone might be going through or just how much a smile will mean to them. Plus, being nice to other people is always going to make you feel better about yourself than bitching about them will. Trust me, it just does. 

And if you're unfortunate enough to be currently experiencing malice directed towards you in an unwarranted capacity, just remember that it says a lot more about those dishing it out, than it does about you. And as long as you're happy with who you are, it doesn't really matter what anyone else might think. Kill them with kindness, it's the best of all weapons.   

* I'm a huge lover of the '-gate' suffix. Everything sounds more interesting/controversial with it.
Also - the source site for this particular image is a truly great one. It's a site called 'To Write Love on Her Arms' and it's all about giving hope and help to people struggling with depression and the like. Check it out, and if you have tumblr make sure you give it a follow.              


  1. Preach it, Jessica! I think you're so right, I hate it when I'm in conversation with people from uni who are bitching about everyone behind their backs when they actually don't know anything about them. I really, really don't like the judgemental aspects within our society (but that's probably a human train that's been around for ages). I like these midweek motivation posts! :D

    1. I think it's probably something that we're all guilty of doing every now and then, but people being unnecessarily malicious for no real reason really annoys me. Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying them xxxx
