Tuesday, 3 September 2013

the liebster award.

There's something a little bit different on the blog today. It actually wasn't until the lovely Rebecca nominated me for the 'Liebster Award' that I was even made aware of it's existence. Oddly enough Rebecca and I both began our blogs on roughly the same day, and after a few twitter messages I can assure you all that she's a super lovely person. But that's enough of analysing strange coincidences. I was actually really interested to read about the concept of the Liebster Award, because I feel like it's a great way to find new, up and coming blogs to follow. Something that I'm currently on the look out for. The rules are as follows:

1. You have to answer the 10 questions that your nominator gave you.
2. Nominate 10 people who have under 200 followers and link them in your post.
3. Think of 10 new questions for you nominees to answer.
4. Let them know you've nominated them so they can post their responses.

Rebecca's Questions:
1. What is a beauty rule you preach but don't practice? 
I'm always going on at my mother to wash her make-up brushes more regularly, and I think you should probably do them once a week, but honestly I don't nearly do mine enough. (note to self: wash brushes)
2. What made you want to start a blog?
I've just graduated from University and I felt like I needed a new creative outlet. Plus, I've recently become quite obsessed with other people's blogs and thought: 'why not?'
3. Who would you say is your style icon?
Alexa Chung. Hands down. She's the one.
4. If you could fly to another country right now, which one would it be?
France. I'm really missing Paris currently. Or Italy - so much of Italy looks like perfection.
5. Would you rather fill in your eyebrows with red lipstick every day or use dark grey eyeshadow as blusher every day?
Dark grey eye shadow as blusher, definitely. I actually read a blog post not too long ago that was talking about a Chanel blush that was basically grey and a great shade for contouring, so maybe I could use it to add some much needed definition to my cheekbones...
6. What do you want to be when you're older?
I'm currently thinking a lawyer, but honestly I don't really know what I'm doing with my life (deep breaths...)
7. If you could have a makeover in the style of a celebrity, who would it be?
Kate Middleton. I want hair as shiny and perfect as that goddammit.
8. Are you into watching YouTubers? If so, who?
Oh god, I watch so much youtube. I love: fleurdeforce, essiebutton, lilypebbles, viviannadoesmakeup, meganisobel, zoella, lucywood etc etc...and then I also watch vlog type youtubers too. A personal favourite is danisnotonfire - he's made me literally cry with laughter before. Basically, I really need to impose a limit on how much youtube I watch...
9. What is your most worn item of clothing?
Probably a navy and white stripey breton top that I should really get rid of, because it's about 5 years old, but I love it too much to part with it.
10. Which is your favourite well-known blog and favourite not well-known blog?
For well-known, I really like lipssofacto or viviannadoesmakeup. And I feel that Lizzie from maylight deserves more followers because her outfit posts are lovely!

People that I want to nominate:
- Lizzie at maylight
- Abby at lifeof-abby
- Sophie at hyrcinian
- Megan at meganesb
- Fern at fernelizabeth
- Kelsey at thingsloversdo
- Charlotte at ohchaarr
- Louise at 0023am
- Lisa at thebeautytype

My Questions:
1. What is your all time favourite piece in your wardrobe?
2. If you could have anyone's wardrobe, who's would you choose?
3. Why did you start your blog?
4. What's one beauty product you couldn't live without?
5. What are some of your favourite blogs?
6. Favourite quote?
7. What's your current favourite song?
8. All time favourite nail polish shade?
9. If you could have any job in the world, which would it be?
10. What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?

In terms of the blogs I've chosen, I've gone on the number of bloglovin followers they each have, mostly because not all of the blogs have the option of 'members'. These girls are all absolute favourites of mine, so please have a look at their blogs. Also, if I've nominated you to do this and you don't want to, that's fine! But I still wanted to share your blog links with everyone anyway.

I'd also like to point out that there are lots of other blogs I would have like to include in this, but they had over 200 followers on bloglovin, and therefore weren't 'eligible'. But having over 200 bloglovin followers is pretty great all on it's own anyway.

I know this post is a bit different to what's normally on here, but I really liked the idea of promoting people I love's blogs, particularly when I feel they deserve more people to read their content. Anyway, it's back to business as usual tomorrow - I'll be back with another 'midweek motivation' post. Lord knows I could certainly use some motivation currently...



  1. thanks for doing this!! and thank you for that first paragraph too aha ;)
    great answers!xxx

    1. You're welcome Rebecca! You are super lovely! xxxx
