This week's midweek motivation is one that I feel Obama would approve of. And that's not only because it bears a striking similarity to a statement often uttered during his 2008 presidential campaign, but also because it's focused around self belief.
It's really important to have faith in lots of things, but one of the most important is obviously yourself. It can be so tricky to stay motivated, and to keep trying something, when you're continually hitting brick walls. It can be truly disheartening. But that doesn't mean you should stop. In fact, if anything, it probably means that you should try harder.
Failure is a really important life lesson to gain. Of course it is. But as opposed to feeling sorry for yourself, it's important to find ways to channel that failure into motivation to keep going. It's certainly not an easy feat, but then nothing that's worthwhile ever is. If you're ever in need of a bit of encouragement down this path, I'd highly recommend you watch J.K. Rowling's Harvard commencement speech, it's one of the greatest things I've ever seen and I often find myself rewatching it when I'm in need of a boost of motivation.
But if you're a bit strapped for time, and can't watch the whole thing, at least remember this: 'The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive.' Even failure has its benefits, and it's important to acknowledge the strength you gain when overcoming it, strength that you can then focus into trying again.
I actually had this particular image stuck to the wall behind my desk whilst I was at university, so that I could look at it anytime I began to lose faith, and if you're someone who often finds themselves in a similar position, I'd advise you to do the same. Just as a reminder. Keep trying that thing. Yes you can. And if you ever needed further proof that truly anything is possible, just take a look at the 44th president of the United States...
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