Friday, 6 September 2013

the week in pictures #2

That's right, it's that time of the week again. Friday. Cue an audible sigh of relief. This week has been like pretty much every week in my life currently - a bit boring. But I promised you a weekly round-up of pictures and, dammit, that's what I'm going to deliver. I'm sorry if you find these kind of posts tedious, or indeed if you actually follow my instagram, because you'll have seen all of this before, but I like reading these posts on other people's blogs so that's why I'm doing them. Yep, my 'market research' literally consists of me and the things I like. How very representative.

1. pancakes, 2. i'm a really colourful person, 3. hooray for george,
4. i don't like mondays, 5. serious blogging face, 6. pasta bake, 
7. 'triumphant'*, 8. law school research. punny, 9. happy birthday daddy!

As I say, there's not been all that much of note happen this week: I went shopping and bought yet another winter coat - a trap I fall into every year - along with an assortment of other grey/black items. I'm nothing if not a colourful person. I've also been looking into doing a GDL next year if I can get both my shit, and £10,000 together. It's not looking promising. I also ate a lot, as per. My instagram is about 90% food pictures - sorry I'm not sorry.

One exciting thing that did happen this week though, is that my blog hit 1000 views! A major milestone it might not be, but I've never actually persevered with a blog before, so I was super excited that people had viewed this blog over 1000 times. I mean, that's really something, right? Thank you so much if you take time out of your life to read this, I really appreciate it, and you're rad.

There should be a good few posts coming this week, alongside the usual suspects, so hopefully they'll be enjoyable reading. Until then, have fantastic weekends, and if you haven't followed my blog on bloglovin maybe go and do that? Or don't. It's entirely up to you. 

*One of the best puns I've probably ever come up with, but sadly, as is often the way, I only thought of it after I'd posted the Instagram, so I'm having to make do with posting it on here. It's also a pun that only a very niche audience will understand - Daddy, this one's for you. x     


  1. Oh I've been considering doing a GDL after university! Let me know if you go for it! And congratulations on hitting 1000 views :) x x

    1. Thank you Sophie! I will let you know if I do it in the end, if I can fund it, I almost definitely will! xxxx
